Onychomycosis or nail fungus is one of the most common and insidious diseases, which necessarily needs to be treated to avoid the development of complications. When the disease is struck the nail plate on the hands or feet, then, and the proximity of a piece of skin. Battered the place has little inviting views and perceived as an aesthetic issue, which can become the cause of many complexes. In addition, as the progression of the disease, the body will suffer the toxins that the fungal microflora stands in the way of your life. This is why you should learn how to identify nail fungus in the initial phase.

The nail fungus at early stage — sources of infection
The nail fungus in the initial stage runs virtually asymptomatic, this is your main threat. The spores of fungi are always present in the environment, they are able to survive on the surface of the soil, even with temperatures below zero. But it is especially favourable to them is hot and humid microclimate in which they multiply at an incredible speed.
Form of fungal infection of the infection of the joint. Danger lurks everywhere, because everything that is necessary for the fungus to playback is in the microscopic scales of skin and nails, that spreads around you the man, ill onychomycosis. To do this, simply walking barefoot, using the wrong dressing room, take advantage of a towel or simply retain for a handrail on public transport.
When the infection is more fast-rooted in the body, in this case, when their defenses are lower, and in your skin there is damage (scratches, cracks, corns). Fans of set of equipment of the home procedures should know that the greatest danger is represented wooden seats, wooden floors, and other household items of this natural material. The fact is that the tree has a porous structure and even care disinfection is not able to completely remove it mycelium of the fungus.
The causes, leading to infection
The fungus could enter the interior of the body and begin its vile activities, are required some conditions. It is well known that fungosas infection once more exposed the elderly and patients with a discount of immunity. In addition, to promote the infect the triggers:

- The violation of the rules of personal hygiene.
- Skin injury (abrasion, scratches), through which the spores of the fungus are easily penetrate in the body.
- The constant contact with water or chemicals and detergents, leaving the skin of the fingers becomes dry and easily damaged.
- Wearing an outfit of synthetics and narrow and uncomfortable footwear of synthetic materials. Clothing and footwear do not give the breathing of the skin, causing increased sweating and creates a warm and a moist environment favorable for the reproduction of fungi.
- Malfunction of the endocrine system and the immune system;
- The chronic diseases (diabetes, obesity, disturbance of metabolism, pathology of the organs of the digestive tract, venous insufficiency).
- Taking certain medicines (antibiotics, hormonal tools and cytostatics).
- Professional factor. The fungal infections most afflicting of representatives of professions related to customer service (hairdressers, massage therapists, cashiers, workers of the baths and saunas).
- The climatic characteristics of the terrain. The greatest risk are the residents of areas with a hot climate and high humidity, as it is the ideal environment for the spread of pathogens.
- The the age factor. Most often injuries, fungal nails are diagnosed in people age and this is linked to the fact that with age, decreases the growth of the nail plate and reduces the supply of nutrients.
Numerous studies and inexorable statistics indicate that each lived 10 years of life increase the risk of contracting a fungal infection 2 times.

Mechanism of infection
After spores of the fungus impregnated in the skin over the affected begins the development of an infection. After contact with spores of the fungus on the skin goes through a certain period of incubation, which lasts very little time. This is the time necessary for the fungus to begin actively playing. The fungus is entrenched there, where, for him, there is a fertile ground: under the plates of the nail and on the skin to stop. Today, there are 50 varieties of fungus, able to lead the defeat of the nail plate, but for the most part still have in your group the dermatomitsety.
A pathological process when onychomycosis is located not on the nail, and under his plate, nail bed. To the extent that the penetration of the fungus into the interior of the tissues develops subungual hyperkeratosis, which promotes the decoupling nail plate and its slow destruction.
To determine the time of onset of the disease, it is important to know how is the initial stage of the nail fungus. After all, without proper and effective for the treatment of onychomycosis, the disease will progress constantly and can accompany the person throughout life.
The symptoms of the initial phase onychomycosis
The nail fungus is called mushrooms – parasites, which begins to destroy healthy tissue after just a few days after the infection. To fix this is an unpleasant situation, can only take the appropriate measures. Otherwise, there will be piecemeal destruction and the package of the nail plate, which can cause the total loss of the nail and other nasty complications.
In consequence of the disease hit the nail will look very specifically, which can be seen in the picture the initial stage of nail fungus. It thickens, changes color and shape over time, it can't be cut with the centers of the scissors.
Depending on the type of fungus that the symptoms of the disease may be different, but there are a few symptoms that are characteristic of all types:
- itching in the area of destruction of such sensations, especially, interfere with usual daily activities;
- between the fingers of the hands and feet may occur redness and irritation of the skin;
- clouding of the nail plate, the disappearance of a healthy glow;
- between a nail and a bed formed of the difference;
- the color change of the nail, which from a pale pink acquires yellowish-grey, brown, brown and even black tone;
- the emergence of cracks in the skin of the fingers of the hands or feet;
- the scrub nail plate;
- increased fragility of the nail, which then begins to disintegrate and break;
- the bad smell.

Particularly rapid initial phase, it will be done, in case, if the person prefers to use the narrow and inconvenient shoes from a dense synthetic material, do not skip the air and prevents the ventilation. This contributes to the increase of perspiration, and creates a warm and a moist environment favorable for the development of the fungus.
More often than the nail fungus affects the feet, although sometimes it can be noticed in the hands. First, the structure of the nail is formed of several yellowish cavities that appear as spots and blemishes. Then, nail plate, in their hands, becomes more thick and dark. The patient man realizes that, for him, it becomes difficult to trim the nails normal nails with a pair of scissors, as well as manipulate them by using nail files or a special cutter.
Treatment for nail fungus in the initial phase of the feet and hands
No need to try to cure the nail fungus. Just as there are various types of fungi and not all medicines also for they are effective, it may be the case that the auto-bought in the pharmacy medicine in this case, it will be useless. Therefore, it is worth to remember that, at any stage of the disease, without the intervention of a medical professional is essential.
After that, as will be defined in the initial phase of nail fungus in the feet or hands, you need to start treatment immediately. A great scheme of therapy and medications necessary to choose a dermatologist based on the results of the analysis.
There are 2 methods for the treatment of nail fungus:
- antifungal tools local application;
- medicines for oral administration.
Modern local antifungal drugs good to help in the treatment of the disease, they are used for external machining of the dead nail.
The tool to remove the victim from the nail
The doctor may prescribe medicines. They should treat the nails one time per day. Before you apply a new layer of remedies, feet steam in hot water, and the top layer of the nail to remove the nail file. Such drugs are an excellent alternative to surgery, because they allow, in the short term and remove hit the nail.
Drops of the nail fungus. In its composition enter substances with anti-septic action and antifungal (oils, waxes, acids), as well as the urea, contributing to the dissolution of the infected nail plate.
Then, the nail close to a band-aid and leave a certain period of time (from 1 to 4 days). The following are repeated in the same order, until you hit the nail completely clean.
Outer tools of the fungi in the initial phase of
In the composition of the integrated treatment of onychomycosis expert necessarily will include foreign means of fungi.
Outdoor tools apply according to the instructions. Flowchart standard of treatment provides for the application of medicines to hit the nail 1-2 times a day. Some antifungals are lucky enough to apply only 1 time per week. They are prevent the spread of infection and contribute to the destruction of the fungus.

Treatment for nail fungus in the initial phase of popular forms
For best effect, in addition to the main therapy course is assigned to a doctor, you can take advantage of the folk media.
- Well, they established the cleaning of the nail plate with iodine. Has 2 times a day, apply iodine on the nail and the skin around it, so that you can kill the active spores of the fungus and disinfect the affected area. As well as the iodine dries the nails, after a week of course need to take a break for a few days.
- Garlic has powerful disinfectant properties and quickly destroys pathogenic microbiota, therefore, is often used for the treatment of onychomycosis. You need to take a clove of garlic, clean it and grate on the grater. The slurry resulting should be applied on the affected area, and roll-up bandage. Leave the mixture in for a night, and in morning take. Run the procedure until the improvement of the status.
- Juice of celandine can also help to eliminate the fungus from the nail. Need to take the stem of the plant and to break it. In place, highlights the disruption of a dense, yellowish chyle. Fresh juice lubricate the affected area of the nail. But before you use this method, you must verify allergy, so there are no negative effects.
- The onion helps to deal with the fungus of yeast of type. You need to clean from the onion peel, rub it on the fine grater and the mass mix with a spoon of honey. Enough to keep this mixture of nails and a board with only a few hours per day and after a few days there will be visible improvements.
- To relieve the state of the nails when the fungus help the reservoir with the addition of soda. For the preparation of a solution, you must take 1 St. tablespoon of soda in 2.5 litres of water and add liquid soap. Take a bath every day for 15 minutes.
Folk remedies nail fungus treatment is very effective, but its best to combine with drug treatment, called a doctor. This therapy will deal with the infection in a short space of time, to recover the nails a healthy appearance and restore its structure.
The treatment for onychomycosis is considered complete when the affected area ringworm nail plate completely replaced healthy. It is a time consuming process, however, the therapy course should be completed by the end of the interruption cannot be. Confirm the lack of microflora fungal should laboratory tests, that makes two times: two weeks after the end of treatment and after one month.
Only when the results of the analysis of both the times, it is negative, one can consider that there was a complete recovery. But in this case the calm down, it is not possible, in order to avoid possible recurrences of the disease and eliminate the rate of re-infection, the need to comply strictly with the rules of hygiene and use antifungal means (luck, cream, ointment), in the purposes of prevention.
When the folk remedies unable to help, the treatment of the fungus in the initial phase, you can use the medication natural.

The main forms of prevention of nail fungus on the hands are:
- compliance with personal hygiene. The hands should be carefully washed after a trip, the public transport, walk in the store and t. d;
- the application of the trays to the hands – will improve the local immunity;
- application on the skin of your hands a preventive cream with antgribkovi effect;
- to perform extensions, nails, no more than 1 time in 6 months;
- use only personal nails free.
To avoid the appearance of fungi nail of the foot, you need to comply with the following measures:
- use only a dry cloth shoes;
- use socks made of natural materials, which provide a good air — and heat transfer;
- in public areas, a swimming pool, a sauna, a SPA and a t. d. only use your shoes;
- do not use weird sets for the pedicure.
It's not worth secretivetü affected nail lacquer color, as well as the is still more of your hurt and slow down the recovery.
Efficient and correctly chosen scheme of treatment is not everything. It is necessary to disinfect thoroughly all surfaces with which it came in contact patient – bed linen, clothes, shoes, gender, and t. d. Man, who had suffered from onychomycosis, more susceptible to this disease.